Whippoorwill Duke

Visitors Welcome

Directions to Farm

Advance call appreciated

McCulloch Farm
Whippoorwill Morgans

Mary Jean &
Chris Vasiloff
100 Whippoorwill Rd.
Old Lyme, CT 06371
(860) 434-7355




Buying good mares and finding good stallions is a challenge in many ways. The best ones are rarely for sale. No horse is perfect, and not all family lines cross equally well. With time and practice and a lot of help from generous experienced horse people I learned how to judge conformation, seek out compatible breeding stock and to cull ridgedly, without sentimentality. Without guidance and criticism from the great breeders like Mabel Owen of Merrylegs Morgans and others who were honest and forthright, even though not always kind, in setting me straight as I bumbled along, I could never have established this consistent and distinct family of Morgans named Whippoorwill.


Chris Vasiloff & Whippoorwill Newmoon

Now, as I am coming to the end of my years as a productive breeder I am eagerly passing the torch, along with criticism,encouragement, and help such as I received, to a few dedicated Morgan breeders who value the bloodstock I have so carefully concentrated. I hope they will go on to educate and assist and encourage people who care about preserving what the Morgan Horse was and can still be.

The Morgan is able because of great athletic ability. Morgans are willing because of an intelligent, flexible and quick mind. "Kind", "calm", "steady", "gentle," all famous trademarks of the breed. Their beauty is distinct and they need never ape any other breed. Their action is unique to their correct conformation, efficient, exciting, and elegant. Legendary soundness, endurance and longevity are guarantees of your money’s worth. But best of all is the Morgan’s personality!

I hope you enjoy our site and will enjoy the links of the other breeders who are working with me and each other to preserve all that is good in the Morgan for future generations. What a shame it would be for these magnificent horses to be lost forever in the rush to win ribbons, make money, and just follow the crowd.

Visitors are always welcome, but an advance call is appreciated. I feel sure you will receive a welcome wherever Whippoorwill Morgans are found because this family was built on love and friendliness and fun! Their owners are proud!

I stay in touch with Whippoorwill Morgans owners to share their joy and offer help when I can. If you are a Whippoorwill fan you become part of the family.



McCulloch Farm
Whippoorwill Morgans

Mary Jean & Chris Vasiloff
100 Whippoorwill Rd.
Old Lyme, CT 06371
(860) 434-7355

 Our logo was designed and executed by Chris Vasiloff.


In 2010, we celebrated our 65th year breeding traditional Morgans close to the original Morgans described by D. C. Linsley in his book Morgan Horses in 1857 and depicted in drawings and photographs by Col. Joseph Battell in his early volumes of The Morgan Horse Register, first published in 1894.

Mary Jean VasiloffMary Jean Vasiloff


Updated 7/241/2010


© 2010 McCulloch Farm - Whippoorwill Morgans.
All contents of site are property of McCulloch Farm - Whippoorwill Morgans unless otherwise indicated